‘Tis the Season


Seems like a strange title for a blog written in June, right?? Well, not so much in the grief world as seasonal grief throughout the year is a real thing to contend with. As so many of the people around us begin to dive in deep to the vibrant and busy summer vibes, there is a renewed sense of loss for people in grief to contend with. The loss of going into this season without our loved one. The pressure to be outside, to be with people, to be making the most of what is often the “favorite season” of the year, while inside we are struggling with experiencing all of this without our person.

Summer is a time of special events like graduations, Father’s Day, and weddings where there is an understandable and expected tone of celebration, yet these events can be bittersweet and activating for grievers missing a family member. There are the feelings of joy AND loss co-mingling throughout the celebrations. And that is hard and normal. I encourage us all to find meaningful ways to incorporate the memory of our person into these special events , whether it is with a toast that includes mentioning how proud our person would be to witness the celebration, or a remembrance table that includes those that we are missing , or simply carrying a picture of our person quietly with us in our wallet so that we know they are with us. These are just my own thoughts and I know you will find the very best way to honor and remember your person when the day arrives.

Taking a time out for ourselves is always a positive strategy. Saying “no” to a particularly grief-activating event is self care and not to be laden with guilt. Or going for a short while and having an exit strategy when your body and mind tell you that you have done enough. The point is, giving ourselves compassion and grace in this season of celebrations is the best gift we could give in honor of ourselves and our love for the person we are missing.

I hope you can get outside and enjoy the sun and fresh air in ways that benefit you and honor your grief. We are all in this together❤️😇

